We are so excited to share our special day with the people we love!

Ellen & Matthew

July 5, 2025 • Delancey, NY
113 Days To Go!

We are so excited to share our special day with the people we love!

Ellen & Matthew

July 5, 2025 • Delancey, NY
113 Days To Go!

Things to Do


National Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum- https://baseballhall.org/

Robert V. Riddell State Park- Trout fishing, hiking, and Picnic areas https://parks.ny.gov/parks/robertriddell/maps.aspx

Bear Spring Mountain Wildlife Management Area- Trout fishing, hiking, and Picnic areas


Local New York State Licensed Fishing Guide- http://www.fifieldoutfitters.com/

Western Catskills Fishing Access Points- https://greatwesterncatskills.com/fishing-the-rivers-and-streams-of-the-great-western-catskills/

The College Golf Course at Delhi- https://golfcourse.delhi.edu/

Rail Explorers: Cooperstown Division- http://www.railexplorers.net/

Oneonta Sports Park- http://oneontasportspark.com/

The Lost Bookshop- https://thelostbookshop.com/

Bramley Mountain Hiking Trail- https://greatwesterncatskills.com/listings/bramley-mountain-trail/

Andes Rail Hiking Trail- https://www.catskillmountainclub.org/andes-rail-trail-and-the-bullet-hole-spur

Palmer Hill Hiking Trail- https://greatwesterncatskills.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Hiking-PalmerHill01.pdf

- There are also countless antique stores as you travel through the Catskills

Food & Drink:

Tay Tea- http://www.taytea.com/

Hamden General Store- https://www.hamdengeneral.com/

Blue Bee Cafe- https://www.facebook.com/bluebeecafeNY

The Ponds Restaurant- http://www.thepondsatnaturalgardens.com/

Hamden Inn Lounge- http://hamdeninnandlounge.com/

Polar Bear Homemade Ice Cream & More- https://www.facebook.com/pg/Polar-Bear-Homemade-Ice-Cream-More-538187663021144/about/?ref=page_internal

Bovina Farm & Fermentory- http://www.bovinafarmfermentory.com/

Brewery Ommegang- https://www.ommegang.com/

Wayside Cider & Taproom- https://www.waysidecider.com/tap-room

Council Rock Brewery- https://councilrockbrewpub.com/

Catskill Brewery- http://www.catskillbrewery.com/

Upward Brewing Company- http://www.upwardbrewing.com/